Cree Star Stories With George Desjarlais
Learning the Star Stories of Indigenous Peoples
Have you ever wondered why the common names of constellations come from Greek mythology? Surely there must be other stories of the stars?
Join us December 20 from 6:00 - 8:30 PM and explore a Cree perspective on the night sky at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre. George Desjarlais from Frog Lake First Nation will guide us through a presentation before we go outside and hear star stories of the Nêhiyawâk (Cree) and Métis peoples.
Proof of vaccination is required and masks are mandatory at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre. As portions of this event are outdoors, remember to dress for the weather.
Registration is limited to 15 people.
Brought to you by the Beaver Hills Biosphere in partnership with Strathcona County.