Treaty Land Sharing Network Pilot Program

The Beaver Hills Biosphere is located within Treaty 6, which is an agreement between the Canadian Crown and First Nations signed in 1876. This agreement was created to share land and resources between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Despite this agreement, many First Nations and Métis families were forced to move away from the Beaver Hills when settlement expanded in the late 1800s.

In an effort to acknowledge Treaty relationships, an idea emerged between Saskatchewan farmers and Indigenous leaders in 2018 to start the Treaty Land Sharing Network (TLSN), which began its work in 2021. The Network is a voluntary program where private landholders provide access for Indigenous peoples to practice their culture and connect with the land in a safe environment.

We would like to bring this idea to Alberta. The Beaver Hills Biosphere is seeking non-Indigenous private landholders who are interested in learning more about Treaty 6 and willing to provide access to their property for a six-month pilot program. If you are interested in participating, please contact our Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Bob Montgomery at