Meet a Board Member: Kelly-Lynn Lewis

Growing up visiting the Strathcona Wilderness Centre and Elk Island National Park, Leduc County councillor Kelly-Lynn Lewis has always loved the Beaver Hills area.

So, promoting awareness of the Biosphere is important to her. She’s passionate about both the ecological preservation of the Biosphere and the rich Indigenous history of the area. The Biosphere's vignettes series has helped her dig into that history, and she endeavours to share that awareness throughout Leduc County.

Representing Leduc County on the board since its inception, she’s always been passionate about elevating the profile of the Biosphere and making Leduc County more aware of its value. Although only a small part of Leduc County is in the Biosphere, understanding the Biosphere helps inform municipal decisions in the county and greater awareness on council is key for preserving the distinct landscape through better land management practices.

Being part of the Biosphere’s board over the past several years for Kelly-Lynn has been immensely gratifying.

“Brian and the staff have been able to transform the initiative and fulfill so many of the objectives. It’s been awesome to watch,” she says. “To see and be a part of everything that’s been accomplished is pretty darn cool.”

From not knowing what a Biosphere is, to seeing the Beaver Hills Biosphere grow from the ground up has been so rewarding and she’s excited to help the organization continue to grow and evolve.
