The Beaver Hills Biosphere Region Association was incorporated as a society under the Societies Act in September 2019.

The Association stewards the Biosphere and supports partners working together for a sustainable region, through shared initiatives and collaborative action. The work the Association does is grounded in its guiding principles of open collaboration, inclusive engagement and shared knowledge.

The Association is committed to sustaining the Biosphere through innovative efforts that:

  • Conserve biodiversity and foster stewardship of natural resources
  • Support healthy, thriving communities
  • Facilitate sustainable development through research and education
  • Mitigate and adapt to environmental change
  • Build organizational capacity and sustainability

The Biosphere and the Association would not be possible without the longstanding support and commitment of our partners and stakeholders.

The Association would not be what it is without the support of our member organizations:

  • Alberta Fish & Game Association
  • Alberta Parks
  • Beaver County
  • InnoTech Alberta
  • Lamont County
  • Leduc County
  • Nature Conservancy of Canada
  • Parks Canada | Elk Island National Park
  • Strathcona County
  • University of Alberta

Our committed board of directors include:

  • Andi McDonald, Nature Conservancy of Canada (Chair)
  • Kelly-Lynn Lewis, Leduc County (Vice-Chair)
  • Kevin Smook, Beaver County (Secretary/Treasurer)
  • Roy Anaka, Lamont County
  • Dave Cooper, Canadian Birkebeiner Society
  • Katie Delves, (Alberta Forestry & Parks)
  • Brian Eaton, InnoTech Alberta
  • Megan Edgar, Community Member
  • Elizabeth Halpenny, University of Alberta
  • Scott Heckbert, Community Member
  • Dale Kirkland, Parks Canada | Elk Island National Park
  • Glen Lawrence, Strathcona County
  • Frank Lee, Alberta Fish & Game Association
  • Keith Leggat, Community Member

Our dedicated staff include:

  • Brian Ilnicki, Executive Director
  • Erin Anderson, Conservation Planning Coordinator
  • Emory Arcand, Indigenous Program Facilitator
  • Pamela Billey, Outreach and Engagement Coordinator
  • Kristina Dembinski, Communications
  • Niabi Kapoor, Content Creator
  • Milena McWatt, Rural Residential Stewardship Program
  • Bob Montgomery, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator
  • Jennifer Nestoruk, Administration
  • Lauren Smith, GIS Coordinator