
Living with and managing for wildfire in the Beaver Hills


FireSmart is living with and managing for wildfire. Preparing for the threat of wildfire is a shared responsibility. Community members, community leaders, forest companies, industry and government we all have responsibility to lessen the effects of wildfire. FireSmart uses preventative measures to reduce wildfire threat to Albertans and their communities while balancing the benefits of wildfire on the landscape.


Initiated in 2018, the purpose of this extensive project was to develop FireSmart mitigation strategies and actions for partners to manage wildfire risk and support the health, sustainability and resiliency of ecological systems within the Beaver Hills Biosphere.


The resulting comprehensive FireSmart plan includes a wildfire hazards and risk assessment, wildfire mitigation strategies and the Prometheus Fire Model. The report also includes innovative and adapted approaches to meet the needs of the different planning areas and project stakeholders.

Project Lead

Beaver Hills Initiative


CPP Environmental Alberta Environment and Parks Beaver County Elk Island National Park Camrose County Leduc County Strathcona County



Beaver Hills Initiative FireSmart Plan 2018


Beaver Hills Initiative FireSmart Plan 2018


Developed in 2018, the purpose of this comprehensive report was to develop FireSmart mitigation strategies and actions to manage wildfire risk and support the health, sustainability and resiliency of ecological systems within the Beaver Hills Biosphere. It also includes innovative and adapted approaches to meet the needs of the different planning areas and project stakeholders.
